End-User Documentation for Prancer Cube Dashboard

1. Overview

This guide will help you use the Prancer Cube Dashboard to monitor and analyze key data metrics, such as PAC alerts, container statuses,and integration with third-party security tools.

The dashboard is built on Cube.js and integrated with to provide real-time insights into security events, alerts, and configurations. This documentation focuses on how to navigate the dashboard, run queries, and interpret visualizations.

2. Accessing the Dashboard

Before accessing the Prancer Cube Dashboard, ensure that all required containers are up and running to avoid connectivity or data issues.

  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Navigate to the Prancer Cube Dashboard through your assigned customer tenant.

  3. Log in using your credentials:

    • Username: <provided username>
    • Password: <provided password> login to tenant

3. Navigating the Dashboard

  1. Main Sections of the Dashboard:
    • Dashboard Overview: Displays key metrics, such as accounts, repositories, applications, and various security findings, represented visually for easy analysis.
    • Findings and Insights: Sections dedicated to exploring specific areas like application security, infrastructure findings, resource management, and other key metrics based on your environment.
    • **Administrative Features: ** Provides access to user management, configurations, and other administrative tools as permitted for your role.
  2. Using Dashboard Features::
    • Search and Filter Options: Use the search bar or filters available to quickly locate specific data, findings, or resources within the tenant dashboard.
    • Visual Widgets and Charts: The dashboard includes interactive visualizations such as charts and summaries to provide real-time insights and trends.

prancer dashboard page

4. Running Queries in the Playground

  1. **Start Adding a Query: ** Click on the "+" (plus) sign in the dashboard interface.
  2. Add Query Elements:
    • Measures: Select metrics, like count (e.g., "Count of Alerts").
    • Dimensions: Select how the data should be grouped (e.g., risk, scan_type).
    • Filters: Narrow down results (e.g., exclude low-risk alerts).
    • Time Dimensions: Add time-based filters (e.g., "Last 30 Days").
  3. Click Keep Changes to see the results.
  4. Visualize the Results: Utilize the provided options to view the data through charts, tables, or other visual formats to gain insights.


5. Example Queries You Can Run

PAC Alerts by Risk Level

This query returns the number of PAC alerts grouped by risk level for the last 30 days.


"measures": \[



"dimensions": \[



"timeDimensions": \[


"dimension": "customer170_pac_alert.created_at",

"granularity": "day",

"dateRange": "last 30 days"



"filters": \[


"member": "customer170_pac_alert.risk",

"operator": "notEquals",

"values": \["low"\]




Containers by Status

This query returns a count of containers grouped by their status.


"measures": \[



"dimensions": \[



"filters": \[\],

"timeDimensions": \[\]


Qualys Alerts by Severity

This query returns the number of Qualys alerts grouped by severity.


"measures": \[



"dimensions": \[



"filters": \[\],

"timeDimensions": \[


"dimension": "qualys_alerts.timestamp",

"granularity": "day",

"dateRange": "last 30 days"




6. Selecting Chart Types

  • Line Chart: Use for trends over time (e.g., alerts per day).
  • Bar Chart: Use for categorical data (e.g., count of alerts by risk level).
  • Table: View raw data in a tabular format.

To change the chart type, click on Line, Bar, Area, or Table in the chart section after running a query.

chart types

7. Troubleshooting Common Issues*

  1. No Data Available:
    • Ensure the time filter is set correctly (e.g., "Last 30 Days").
    • Check if the dataset has the necessary records for the selected dimensions and filters.
  2. Login Issues:
    • Verify your credentials.
    • Contact your administrator if the issue persists.
  3. Incorrect Query Results:
    • Review the selected measures, dimensions, and filters to ensure they align with the data model.

9. FAQ for End-Users

  1. Can I create custom queries?
    Yes, you can create custom queries using the Dashboard section.

  2. What if I encounter an error?
    Contact your administrator or refer to the troubleshooting section.

10. Conclusion

This guide provides the essential steps for using the Prancer Cube Dashboard.