Auto Remediation in Prancer

The Auto Remediation feature in Prancer simplifies the process of correcting policy violations in both cloud resources and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) template files.

1. Remediation on Cloud Resources

  • Direct Updates: Prancer connects directly to the relevant cloud environment (e.g., Azure, AWS, GCP) using credentials from the defined connector.
  • Permissions Required: The connector must have appropriate permissions to modify the resource configuration.
  • Automatic Fixes: Once connected, Prancer updates the affected cloud resources to address any identified issues.

2. Remediation in IaC Template Files

  • Branch Creation: Prancer creates a new branch from the source branch.
  • Commit & Pull Request: It then commits the required fixes to this new branch and generates a pull request for the original (source) branch.
  • Collaborative Approval: Team members can review the changes and merge them into the main branch once approved.

3. Using Auto Remediation

  • Locate Findings: Go to the Infra Findings screen and identify a failed test case.
  • Select Remediate: Either click on the blue circle in the Remediate column or open the details of the failed test case and click on Remediate.
  • Apply Fixes: Prancer automatically applies the remediation, whether on the cloud resource or in the template file.

IaC Remediation Workflow

  1. Review Findings and Severity:

    • Start by reviewing all identified issues and their severity levels in the list of findings. ../img/remediation/finding-listing.jpg)
  2. Select Findings:

    • Click on an individual finding to view more details. Additionally, you can remediate issues in bulk—for example, all resources of a particular type in a single action.
  3. Initiate Remediation:

    • Choose the Remediation button. This triggers Prancer’s tested and validated remediation feature, which includes AI integration for added context and guidance. ../img/remediation/select-remediate.jpg)
  4. Automated Code Updates:

    • The system automatically checks out the relevant IaC code, applies the necessary fixes, commits the changes, and submits a pull request. ../img/remediation/pr-main.jpg)
  5. View Detailed Changes:

    • The platform provides clear visibility into which sections of the code were modified. ../img/remediation/pr-detail.jpg)
  6. Approval and Merge:

    • Once a team member approves the pull request, the changes are merged into the main branch, ensuring that the updated configuration is properly integrated.

CSP Remediation Workflow

  1. Review Findings and Severity:

    • Start by reviewing all identified issues and their severity levels in the list of findings. ../img/remediation/cloud-list.jpg)
  2. Select Findings:

    • Click on an individual finding to view more details. Additionally, you can remediate issues in bulk—for example, all resources of a particular type in a single action. ../img/remediation/cloud-remediate.jpg)
  3. Initiate Remediation:

    • Choose the Remediation button. This triggers Prancer’s tested and validated remediation feature, which includes AI integration for added context and guidance.

IaC Remediation Supported Resources

Below are three tables—one for each major cloud provider (AWS, Azure, and GCP)—listing the supported resources and a brief description of each resource.

AWS Resources

Resource Description
acm AWS Certificate Manager for provisioning and managing SSL/TLS certificates.
amplify AWS Amplify for developing and hosting full-stack web and mobile applications.
api_gateway Amazon API Gateway for creating, deploying, and managing APIs.
cloudfront Amazon CloudFront for content delivery (CDN) and caching.
cloudtrail AWS CloudTrail for governance, compliance, and auditing of AWS account activity.
code AWS Code Services (e.g., CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy) for CI/CD pipelines.
database AWS Database services (e.g., Amazon RDS, DynamoDB) for relational and NoSQL storage.
ec2 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for virtual servers.
ec2networkacl EC2 Network Access Control List for controlling inbound/outbound subnet-level traffic.
ecr Amazon Elastic Container Registry for storing and managing Docker images.
ecs Amazon Elastic Container Service for container orchestration.
eks Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service for running Kubernetes at scale.
elasticsearch Amazon OpenSearch Service (formerly Elasticsearch) for search and analytics workloads.
elb Elastic Load Balancing for automatically distributing incoming traffic across multiple targets.
emr Amazon EMR for big data processing using Apache Hadoop, Spark, and other frameworks.
iam AWS Identity and Access Management for securing access to AWS services and resources.
kms AWS Key Management Service for creating and controlling encryption keys.
lambda AWS Lambda for running code without provisioning or managing servers.
msk Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka for real-time data streaming.
redshift Amazon Redshift data warehouse for large-scale analytics.
sagemaker Amazon SageMaker for building, training, and deploying machine learning models.
securitygroup EC2 Security Groups for instance-level inbound and outbound traffic control.
sns Amazon Simple Notification Service for pub/sub messaging.
sqs Amazon Simple Queue Service for reliable, scalable message queuing.
vpc Amazon Virtual Private Cloud for provisioning a logically isolated section of AWS.

Azure Resources

Resource Description
KeyVault Securely store and control access to keys, secrets, and certificates.
Redis Azure Cache for Redis for high-performance data caching.
activitylogalerts Monitor and trigger actions based on Azure Activity Log events.
aks Azure Kubernetes Service for deploying and managing containerized applications.
applicationgateways Azure Application Gateway for load balancing and web application firewall (WAF).
azure_firewallso Azure Firewall for network protection with built-in high availability and auto-scaling.
cdn Azure Content Delivery Network for fast content distribution.
container_instance Azure Container Instances for running containers without managing servers.
cosmosdb Globally distributed, multi-model database service.
databricks Azure Databricks for big data analytics and AI workloads.
dbadministrators Configuration of database administrator roles for Azure databases.
dbauditingsettings Auditing settings for Azure databases to track events and changes.
dbdataencryption Encryption configurations for Azure database data-at-rest.
dbfirewallrules Firewall rules to control inbound/outbound traffic for Azure databases.
dbforMariaDB Azure Database for MariaDB configuration and management.
dbforMySQL Azure Database for MySQL configuration and management.
dbforMySQL_firewallrules Firewall rules for Azure Database for MySQL.
dbsecurityalertpolicies Security alert policies for Azure databases.
dbvulnerabilityassessments Vulnerability assessments for Azure databases.
diagnosticsettings Diagnostic settings for collecting resource logs and metrics.
disks Managed disks for Azure virtual machines.
eventgrid Azure Event Grid for event-based, serverless architectures.
eventhub Azure Event Hubs for big data streaming and event ingestion.
frontdoors Azure Front Door for global, scalable web applications and content delivery.
functionapp Azure Functions (serverless compute) hosted as an Azure Function App.
keyvaultkeys Management of cryptographic keys in Azure Key Vault.
keyvaultsecrets Management of secrets within Azure Key Vault.
locks Resource locks to prevent accidental deletions or modifications.
ms_defender_for_cloud Microsoft Defender for Cloud for advanced threat protection and compliance.
networkwatchersflowlogs Flow logs from Network Watcher for traffic analysis.
nsg Network Security Groups to filter network traffic at the subnet or NIC level.
postgreSQL Azure Database for PostgreSQL configuration and management.
pricing Pricing tier configurations for select Azure services.
recoveryservices_vaults Recovery Services Vaults for backup and site recovery scenarios.
registrieswebhooks Webhook management for Azure Container Registry.
registry Azure Container Registry for storing Docker images.
secrets Storage and management of sensitive information (e.g., Key Vault secrets).
securitycontacts Security contact information for Azure Security Center/Defender.
sql_alert_policy Alert policies for Azure SQL Database events and metrics.
sql_database Azure SQL Database for relational data storage and management.
sql_managedinstance Azure SQL Managed Instance for near 100% compatibility with SQL Server.
sql_servers Azure SQL Servers hosting single or pooled databases.
sql_servers_auditing Auditing configuration for Azure SQL Servers.
sql_servers_encryption Transparent data encryption for Azure SQL servers.
sql_vulnerabilityassessments Vulnerability assessments for Azure SQL Databases and Managed Instances.
storageaccounts Azure Storage Accounts (Blobs, Files, Queues, Tables).
vm Azure Virtual Machines running Windows or Linux.
vm_scale_sets Azure VM Scale Sets for auto-scaling virtual machine resources.
vmextensions Extensions to run scripts and tasks on Azure VMs.
vnetpeerings Virtual network peering between two Azure VNets.
vnetsubnets Subnets within an Azure Virtual Network.
vpngateways VPN gateways for secure site-to-site, point-to-site, or VNet-to-VNet connections.
web Azure Web Apps for hosting web applications and APIs.

GCP Resources

Resource Description
cloudfunction Google Cloud Functions for serverless event-driven compute.
compute Google Compute Engine for deploying and managing virtual machines.
container Google Kubernetes Engine for container orchestration.
database Google Cloud SQL or other GCP database services for relational storage.
dns Google Cloud DNS for scalable, reliable domain name system hosting.
iam Identity and Access Management for controlling user and service access.
kms Cloud Key Management Service for creating and managing cryptographic keys.
logging Cloud Logging (Stackdriver) for logs ingestion and analysis.
sqladmin Cloud SQL Admin for managing MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server instances.
storage Google Cloud Storage for object storage at scale.

These tables provide a high-level overview of the resources Prancer currently supports for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) scanning and auto remediation.

CSP Remediation Supported Resources

Below is a concise table summarizing the CSP remediation resources available for direct remediation on each cloud provider, along with a brief description of each resource:

Cloud Provider Resource Description
Azure NSG (Network Security Group) Used to filter inbound and outbound network traffic at the subnet or NIC level.
Azure Storage Account Provides secure, scalable storage for blobs, files, queues, and tables within Azure.
AWS IAM (Human & Non-Human) Manages identity and access to AWS services and resources for users, groups, and roles.
AWS Security Group Acts as a virtual firewall controlling inbound/outbound traffic to AWS EC2 instances and resources.
GCP Security Group Functions similarly to a virtual firewall (via VPC firewall rules) for controlling resource traffic.

These resources can be remediated directly within their respective cloud environments (Azure, AWS, and GCP) using Prancer’s CSP remediation capabilities.