PAC Config File


Prancer's Pentest as Code (PAC) allows users to create a PAC file that contains all the PenTest configurations for a specific scenario, either through the PAC wizard or manually.

The example below contains an example of a PAC file is used to run Pentesting on a target application using Azure infrastructure. This sample PAC file is provided as an example of the configurations needed to perform a Pentest on a target application. By utilizing the PAC file, Prancer provides users with a streamlined and comprehensive approach to PenTesting, allowing them to easily configure and customize the Pentest to their specific needs.

ConnectionName: test_azure_connector
CloudType: azure
ApplicationName: test_log4j
RiskLevel: attack
ApplicationType: WebScan
Schedule: onetime
ResourceID: dummyResourceID
  exclude: []
  include: []
- Path:
      - .*\.js
      - .*\.py
  Connector: azure_custom_script_connector
          AfterRun: stop
              SubscriptionId: a6941677-4c37-42fb-960c-dad8f25060a3
              ResourceGp: pac
              Region: eastus
              ContainerGroupName: Prancer-scanner-group
              ContainerName: Prancer-pentest-instance
              ResourceName: Prancer-instances
AuthenticationMethod: noAuthentication
- accessControl
- ascanrulesAlpha

In this sample PAC file, here is the descriptive explanation of each field :

Field Name Value Description
ConnectionName test_azure_connector Used to find the connector which Prancer can connect to the cloud
CloudType azure Used to define the type of cloud which Prancer should use to create the scanner
Scanner - In this field we use different configuration to setup infrastructure of scanner instance
ApplicationName test_log4j This field just use for define a name for pac file
ApplicationType WebScan This field designate the type of pentest this type can have 2 different values (WebScan and APIScan)
Target Prancer will go to run pentest against the target value
ResourceID dummyResourceID Resource ID would be ARN incase of AWS resources (API-Gateway,Rest-API etc)
paths add some paths for include or exclude from scanner
AuthenticationMethod noAuthentication This field will define the method od the application authentication , the value of this field can be noAuthentication,formBasedAuthentication,jsonBasedAuthentication and jwtAuthentication
Addons This field used for installing different addons for running and check related scanners


This field is used for connecting to the cloud and creating the scanner instance to run the pentest. For more information about the connector files, you can go in connector introduction . Each pac file should have just one connectionName if the type of the scanner is any of the supported cloud types. For example connection name, as you can see in the example, is test_azure_connector. Please make sure if you are setting any name for this field, it should exist inside the same collection which have the PAC file.


Cloud type should be selected from the supported cloud types in pac. For now, these cloud types are supported : - Azure - AWS For each type, we have different fields to fill out. We will review them in detail.


For scenarios based on the Azure cloud, Prancer engine creates the scanner by using an ACI resource type and pulling a custom Prancer PAC scanner image from the image registry. This image runs the pentest. When pentesting is done, the Prancer scanner instance will send all the found alerts to the customer dashboard. (we describe this in other section). There are certain configurations available for the Azure cloud :

          AfterRun: stop
              SubscriptionId: a6941677-4c37-42fb-960c-dad8f25060a3
              ResourceGp: pac
              Region: eastus
              ContainerGroupName: Prancer-scanner-group
              ContainerName: Prancer-pentest-instance
              ResourceName: Prancer-instances

The details are as follows in the Azure cloud :

Field Value Description
AfterRun stop This field use for define action which Prancer should do after scan is done it can be stop or delete
SubscriptionId SubscriptionId is the azure subscription which Prancer should create scanner inside it
ResourceGp This filed is the resource group which Prancer should create scanner instance inside it. This resource group should exist inside the subscirption which is defined in previous field
Region This filed is using for filtering the resource group and find it easier. This field is mandatory too.
ContainerGroupName ContainerGroupName is used for define the name for the ACI group which Prancer going to create inside the resource group
ContainerName ContainerName is the field which designate the container name inside the aci
ResourceName resource name will define the name of the resource which should create in resource group by Prancer


For the AWS cloud, Prancer creates the scanner by creating an ECS fargate instance and pulling a custom Prancer pac scanner image. This image will run the pentest scenario based on the configurations in the PAC file. Then the pentest scanner instance will send all the found alerts to the customer dashboard. (we describe this in other section).

        AfterRun: delete
            AccountId: "18993667260"
            Region: us-west-2
            TaskDefinition: pentest-task
            ClusterName: pentest-cluster
            SecurityGroup: pentest-security-group
            ContainerName: Prancer-scanner-4
            SubnetId: subnet-bdcdcff6

let's have quick look to different fields that we have for aws cloud type :

Field Value Description
AfterRun delete This field used for define action which Prancer should do after scan is done it can be stop or delete
AccountId AccountId used for finding the account which Prancer should create scanner inside it
Region This filed used for which region Prancer should create the fargate instance
TaskDefinition Task definition name used for designate the name of task which should create by Prancer
ClusterName Cluster name is the field which define the name of the cluster which is going to create by Prancer
SecurityGroup security group will select by user to associate with an EC2 to control the inbound and outbound traffic for the instance
ContainerName Container name will fill and use as name of the name scanner instance
SubnetId SubnetId is using for attach range of IP addresses that EC2 instance can create by Prancer

we finished the infrastructure of pentesting by Prancer. Let's move on for the other feature that Prancer provides for pentest as code.


If the application type is equal to APIScan, there are some other configurations available.

Swagger file

We can specify what is the path to the swagger file, which has all the endpoint information

  Type: OpenAPI
  DirectionProvider: "link"

Postman integration

You can use the postman collection as a manifest for all the available endpoints to run an attack inside the Prancer. PostmanCollectionRepo can include the repository of the postman collection. Postman remote files should include a path that has postman collection file For postman env remote files, if you have an environment variable file, you can put the path inside the postmanEnvRemote file so Prancer will go and extract the env variables and their values and merge them with postman collection.

For detailed procedure needs to visit postman wizard steps

  Type: OpenAPI
  DirectionProvider: "git"
  Connector: <<git connector>>
  PostmanRemoteFile: <<file locationn in git repo>>
  PostmanEnvRemoteFile: <<file location in git repo>>

Authentication fields

For different authentication methods we have different fields as we have in scanner. Let's dive in :


below fields will use for jwt authentication. Let's focus on fields which exists in sample :

    UsernameSecretKey: crUsername
    PasswordSecretKey: crPassword
    LoginUrl: /identity/api/auth/login
    LogoutUrl: /identity/api/auth/logout
    LoginBodyTemplate: '{"email":"%username%","password":"%password%"}'
    LoginIndicator: auth_token
    AuthorizationType: Header
    AuthorizationKey: Authorization
    AuthorizationTokenType: Bearer
Field Value Description
UsernameSecretKey crUsername This field is username key and the real value of username should get from secret manager if the cloud type is aws and get from keyvault if cloud type is azure
PasswordSecretKey crPassword This field is password key and the real value of password should get from secret manager if the cloud type is aws and get from keyvault if cloud type is azure
LoginUrl /identity/api/auth/login The login url for the application
LogoutUrl /identity/api/auth/logout The logout url will be exclude from the path to prevent expire the token
LoginBodyTemplate LoginBodyTemplate is the field which define the body template of login request
LoginIndicator auth_token After login request sent and get response , Prancer will find login indicator inside the response body and if Prancer find the login indicator inside the response will find out login successfully done
AuthorizationType Header This field is required for finding the authorization type
AuthorizationKey Authorization This field is key name of authorization field in header
AuthorizationTokenType Bearer Authorization token type is used for defining of token type

Form based authentication

Form based authentication mainly used by web application. Here are the fields for the form based authentication

    UsernameSecretKey: username
    PasswordSecretKey: password
    LoginUrl: /login
    LogoutUrl: /logout
    LoginRequestPostData: identifier={%username%}&password={%password%}
    LoginIndicator: "logout"
Field Value Description
UsernameSecretKey username the label we are using in the secret manager to store username
PasswordSecretKey password the label we are using in the secret manager to store password
LoginUrl /login login URL
LogoutUrl /logout logout URL
LoginRequestPostData identifier={%username%}&password={%password%} post data format to submit the login form
LoginIndicator logout an indicator on the page which shows the user is logged in

no authentication

If you don't want to use any authentication, you can choose no authentication option

AuthenticationMethod: noAuthentication


Prancer provide the support to define the custom scripts that can be embedded within ZAP. You can enhance the attacks by adding multiple scripts supported by ZAP,

- Path:
      - .*\.js
      - .*\.py
  Connector: azure_custom_script_connector
Field Value Description
Path Include and Exclude paths Contains list of include and exclude paths
Path.Include list of path Contains list of script paths ( Regex ) which need to include in processing
Path.Exclude list of path Contains list of paths ( Regex ) which will be excluded while load the scripts.
Connector connector name the name of the connector to connect with the git repository.

Check Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), for the complete steps to integrate the custom scripts in PAC.


Prancer uses open source scanner to pentest target applications. If the scanner is ZAP, you can select which AddOns you want to load while pentesting the application. Based on the type of the application these addons load dynamically into the PAC file

  - accessControl
  - ascanrulesAlpha

a list of all addons available here :

AWS sample

Here is another sample PAC file used to run Pentesting on a target application using AWS infrastructure. :

ConnectionName: test_shahin_aws_ws_att_connector
CloudType: aws
ApplicatioName: test_shahin_aws_ws_att_app
RiskLevel: attack
ApplicationType: WebScan
Schedule: onetime
ResourceID: dummyResourceID
  exclude: []
  include: []
        AfterRun: delete
            AccountId: "15557887260"
            Region: us-west-2
            TaskDefinition: pentest-task
            ClusterName: pentest-cluster
            SecurityGroup: pentest-security-group
            ContainerName: Prancer-scanner-4
            SubnetId: subnet-bdcdcff6
AuthenticationMethod: noAuthentication
# All the addons ID listed on link
#  - accessControl
#  - ascanrulesAlpha