Azure Board integration

Integration of Prancer Web with Azure Board will help you with ticket management, and file/spectate tickets based on Prancer CSPM or PAC findings.

The integration with Azure Board is as follows:

  1. Each collection in the collection pages(Infra/PAC Management) can be integrated with Azure Board
  2. Choose the dropdown option from the collection and select Third Party Integration.
  3. Select the Azure Board

When the user clicks on the integration service, a new page/modal opens with pre-populated fields for the workitem. User can edit as per convenience. On submit, the workitem shall be created with the ticket platform Azure Board.

In Reporting pages : Infra Findings and Application Findings, a new option to create Azure Board ticket has to be created when opening a single item.

This will create an integration with Azure Board ticketing system (workitem to be created automatically with the proper description for the collection).

Here is a sample of the Azure Board structure file:

    "fileType": "structure",
    "type": "azureboard",
    "url": "<azureboard-endpoint-url>",
    "username": "<azureboard-user-email>",
    "organisation": "prancer",
    "project": "<project-name>",
    "severity": "<severity>"
Key Value Description
url URL to the azure board
username your user-email of azure cloud
authtoken AuthToken of the azure board
project Name of your project.
severity Type of severity you want to assign to this particular task.(Options: High, Medium, Low)

sample file:

    "fileType": "structure",
    "type": "azureboard",
    "url": "",
    "username": "",
    "authtoken": "prancer-io-customer-accesstoken-azureboard",
    "organisation": "prancer",
    "project": "NextGen Cloud",
    "severity": "high"

Generate AuthToken from Azure Board

Once you have logged in to the Azure follow these steps to generate the AuthToken:

  1. Go to the Home Page
  2. Select the <project-name>
  3. Click the User Settings and select the Personal access token
  4. Create a new token by clicking New Token
  5. Provide Name and under Work Items give the Read & Write access.
  6. Click on the Create.

By following the steps you'll be able to copy the token. Make sure the token is saved and secured somewhere safe, as you won't be able to see that again.