This snapshot configuration file type is used along with the filesystem connector. It allows you to take snaphots of entire files as resources to test.

Supported IaC file types

  1. json: Crawl and process valid JSON files.
  2. yaml: Crawl and process valid YAML files.
  3. arm: Azure ARM template.
  4. cloudformation: AWS Cloud​Formation template.
  5. deploymentmanager: Google cloud deploymentmanager.
  6. terraform: Terraform files.
  7. kubernetesObjectFiles: Kubernetes files.
  8. helmChart: Kubernetes Helm Charts.
  9. ack: AWS Controllers for Kubernetes.
  10. aso: Azure Service Operator.
  11. kcc: GCP Kubernetes Config Connector.

Snapshot configuration file

To setup a filesystem snapshot configuration file, copy the following code to a file named snapshot.json in your container's folder.

Notes: Naming conventions

This file can be named anything you want but we suggest snapshot.json

        "fileType": "snapshot",
        "snapshots": [
                "source": "<name-of-connector>",
                "type": "filesystem",
                "testUser": "<user-to-use-on-connector>",
                "branchName": "<branch-to-use-on-connector>",
                "nodes": [
                        "snapshotId": "<snapshot-name>",
                        "type": "<file-type>",
                        "collection": "<collection-name>",
                        "paths": [

Remember to substitute all values in this file that looks like a <tag> such as:

Tag Value Description
name-of-connector name of the filesystem connector configuration file
user-to-use-on-connector Same username as defined in the filesystem connector configuration file
branch-to-use-on-connector Same branch as defined in the filesystem connector configuration file. This attribute is only used when we are connecting to a git repository
snapshot-name Name of the snapshot, you will use this in test files
file-type type of the file, which should be one of the supported file type.
collection-name Name of the NoSQL database collection used to store snapshots of this file
relative-paths-to-file Path to the file to read, relative to the root of the repository that the connector checks out

Master Snapshot configuration file

We use master snapshot configuration file to read all the files in a directory with the filesystem connector.

Notes: Naming conventions

This file can be named anything you want but we suggest snapshot.json

        "fileType": "masterSnapshot",
        "snapshots": [
                "source": "<name-of-connector>",
                "testUser": "<user-to-use-on-connector>",
                "nodes": [
                        "masterSnapshotId": "<master-snapshot-name>",
                        "type": "<file-type>",
                        "collection": "<collection-name>",
                        "paths": [
                        "exclude" : {
                            "paths" : [
                            "regex" : [

Remember to substitute all values in this file that looks like a <tag> such as:

Tag Value Description
name-of-connector name of the filesystem connector configuration file
user-to-use-on-connector Same username as defined in the filesystem connector configuration file
branch-to-use-on-connector Same branch as defined in the filesystem connector configuration file. This attribute is only used when we are connecting to a git repository
master-snapshot-name Name of the snapshot, you will use this in test files
file-type type of the file, which should be one of the supported file type.
collection-name Name of the NoSQL database collection used to store snapshots of this file
relative-paths-to-file Path to the file to read, relative to the root of the repository that the connector checks out
exclude-paths-to-file Path to the file to exclude, relative to the root of the repository that the connector checks out
regular-expression-to-exclude-file regular expression which matches with the filename or directory path to exclude