Reports APIs

  • Report APIs are use for filter the reports.

CURL Sample

curl -X POST -H 'authorization: Bearer <JWT Bearer Token>' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "start_date":"2021-02-17", "end_date":"2021-02-17", "container": "azure_crawler_demo", "timestamp": 1613544407026, "provider" : "Azure", "compliances" : ["CIS","PCI"], "services" : ["Networking"], "status": "failed", "count" : 5, "index" : 0 }'
  • URL:
  • Method: GET
  • Header:
    - content-type: application/json
    - Authorization: Bearer <JWT Bearer Token>
  • Param:
    "container": "azure_crawler_demo",
    "timestamp": 1613544407026,
    "provider" : "Azure",
    "compliances" : ["CIS","PCI"],
    "services" : ["Networking"],
    "status": "failed",
    "count" : 3,
    "index" : 0,
    "provider_type" : "cloud",
    "type" : "csv",
    "search" : <search_text>
  • Explanation:

    All Fields are Optional. Optional Fields

    • index: determines from which index have to start populating of the data.
    • count: determines the number of records per page need to populate in response.
    • start_date: Start filtering from specified start date. Format of date is yyyy-mm-dd
    • end_date: Filter the reports upto specified end date. Format of date is yyyy-mm-dd
    • container: Name of the container, container name list will receive in response when call API without any filter or filter by startdate/enddate.
    • timestamp: Filter the report by timestamp, timestamp list will receive in response when call API without any filter or filter by startdate/enddate.
    • provider: Valid Provider name, See Default - tags API for get valid provider list.
    • compliance: A valid list of compliance for filter the policy. See Default - tags API for get valid compliance list.
    • services: A valid list of services for filter the services. See Default - tags API for get valid services list.
    • status: Filter the reports by report's result. ( "Passed" or "Failed" )
    • provider_type: Filter the reports by provider types. Valid values for provider types are cloud and iac. If the provider type not pass in request parameter then it will return report of last compliance run.
    • type: This field if present and set to csv will return a csv report for the report instead of a json response. Only Valid value for type is csv. If the protype is not set to csv it will be ignored.
    • search: Search reports by title of the report.

NOTE: - index and count parameters are useful for pagination. If no index pass then it will return all the records. - start_date and end_date both must be pass, if you want to filter the resources between two dates. If no start date and end date defined then it will return the report from last run output.

Response: - response with pagination of 3 records

  • Status Code: 200
  • Response:
    "data": {
        "container_list": [
        "results": [
                "result_item": {
                    "auto_remediate": false,
                    "container_name": "azure_crawler_demo",
                    "content_version": "",
                    "date": "2021-02-17 06:46:47",
                    "description": "Blocking SSH port 22 will protect users from attacks like Account compromise.",
                    "function": "",
                    "id": "602cbbd77c49350c2b0bd081",
                    "log": "logs_20210217064616",
                    "message": "",
                    "remediation_description": "",
                    "remediation_id": "",
                    "rule": "file(azure_network_security_229.rego)",
                    "snapshot_name": "azure_crawler_snapshot_gen",
                    "snapshots": [
                            "collection": "microsoftnetwork",
                            "id": "AZRSNP_23113",
                            "path": "/subscriptions/d34d6562-8a12-4458-ba02-b12345f45gdd/resourceGroups/NetworkWatcherRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/nsg-test-456",
                            "reference": "whitekite",
                            "region": "eastus",
                            "source": "azure_crawler_structure",
                            "structure": "azure",
                            "type": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups"
                    "status": "passed",
                    "tags": [
                            "cloud": "Azure",
                            "compliance": [
                                "CIS v1.0 (Azure)-6.2",
                                "CSA CCM v3.0.1-DSI-02",
                                "CSA CCM v3.0.1-IAM-07",
                                "CSA CCM v3.0.1-IVS-06",
                                "CSA CCM v3.0.1-IVS-08",
                                "NIST 800-53 Rev4-SC-7 (19)",
                                "NIST 800-53 Rev4-SI-4 (4)",
                                "PCI DSS v3.2-1.2.1",
                            "service": [
                    "test_id": "AZURE_TEST_229",
                    "test_name": "azure_crawler_test",
                    "test_type": "mastertest",
                    "title": "Azure Network Security Group (NSG) allows SSH traffic from internet on port 22",
                    "type": "rego"
                "result_item": {
                    "auto_remediate": false,
                    "container_name": "azure_crawler_demo",
                    "content_version": "",
                    "date": "2021-02-17 06:46:47",
                    "description": "Blocking SSH port 22 will protect users from attacks like Account compromise.",
                    "function": "",
                    "id": "602cbbd77c49350c2b0bd081",
                    "log": "logs_20210217064616",
                    "message": "",
                    "remediation_description": "",
                    "remediation_id": "",
                    "rule": "file(azure_network_security_229.rego)",
                    "snapshot_name": "azure_crawler_snapshot_gen",
                    "snapshots": [
                            "collection": "microsoftnetwork",
                            "id": "AZRSNP_23114",
                            "path": "/subscriptions/d34d6562-8a12-4458-ba02-b12345f45gdd/resourceGroups/NetworkWatcherRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/uxmachine-nsg",
                            "reference": "whitekite",
                            "region": "eastus2",
                            "source": "azure_crawler_structure",
                            "structure": "azure",
                            "type": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups"
                    "status": "passed",
                    "tags": [
                            "cloud": "Azure",
                            "compliance": [
                                "CIS v1.0 (Azure)-6.2",
                                "CSA CCM v3.0.1-DSI-02",
                                "CSA CCM v3.0.1-IAM-07",
                                "CSA CCM v3.0.1-IVS-06",
                                "CSA CCM v3.0.1-IVS-08",
                                "NIST 800-53 Rev4-SC-7 (19)",
                                "NIST 800-53 Rev4-SI-4 (4)",
                                "PCI DSS v3.2-1.2.1",
                            "service": [
                    "test_id": "AZURE_TEST_229",
                    "test_name": "azure_crawler_test",
                    "test_type": "mastertest",
                    "title": "Azure Network Security Group (NSG) allows SSH traffic from internet on port 22",
                    "type": "rego"
                "result_item": {
                    "auto_remediate": false,
                    "container_name": "azure_crawler_demo",
                    "content_version": "",
                    "date": "2021-02-17 06:46:47",
                    "description": "This policy identifies Azure Network Security Groups (NSGs) which are overly permissive to open UDP traffic from any source. A network security group contains a list of security rules that allow or deny inbound or outbound network traffic based on source or destination IP address, port, and protocol. As a best practice, it is recommended to configure NSGs to restrict traffic from known sources, allowing only authorized protocols and ports.",
                    "function": "",
                    "id": "602cbbd77c49350c2b0bd081",
                    "log": "logs_20210217064616",
                    "message": "",
                    "remediation_description": "",
                    "remediation_id": "",
                    "rule": "file(azure_network_security_232.rego)",
                    "snapshot_name": "azure_crawler_snapshot_gen",
                    "snapshots": [
                            "collection": "microsoftnetwork",
                            "id": "AZRSNP_23112",
                            "path": "/subscriptions/d34d6562-8a12-4458-ba02-b12345f45gdd/resourceGroups/NetworkWatcherRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/automation-linux-nsg",
                            "reference": "whitekite",
                            "region": "eastus2",
                            "source": "azure_crawler_structure",
                            "structure": "azure",
                            "type": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups"
                    "status": "passed",
                    "tags": [
                            "cloud": "Azure",
                            "compliance": [
                            "service": [
                    "test_id": "AZURE_TEST_232",
                    "test_name": "azure_crawler_test",
                    "test_type": "mastertest",
                    "title": "Azure Network Security Group (NSG) dose not having Inbound rule overly permissive to all UDP traffic from any source",
                    "type": "rego"
        "timestemp_list": [
                "container": "azure_crawler_demo",
                "timestamp": 1613544407026,
                "timestamp_str": "2021-02-17 06:46:47"
                "container": "azure_crawler_demo",
                "timestamp": 1613544379577,
                "timestamp_str": "2021-02-17 06:46:19"
    "error": "",
    "error_list": [],
    "message": "",
    "metadata": {
        "count": 3,
        "next_index": 3,
        "total": 13
    "status": 200
  • CSVResponse:
Prancer Infrastructure Security Findings,,,
Report run by:,,,
Report Date:,2022-02-11T10:50:59.000Z,,
Applied Compliance Test,13,,
Total Cloud Resources,4,,
Total Files,4,,
Passed Scenarios,12,,
Failed Scenarios,1,,
passed,Restrict Traffic Among Pods with a Network Policy,Medium,/network/network-policy.yaml
passed,Ensure that Containers are not running in privileged mode,Medium,/deployment/deployment-definition.yaml
passed,The default namespace should not be used,Medium,/deployment/deployment-definition.yaml
passed, Ensure pods outside of kube-system do not have access to node volume,Medium,/deployment/deployment-definition.yaml
failed,Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers,Medium,/deployment/deployment-definition.yaml
passed,Minimize the admission of privileged containers (PSP),Medium,/pods/pod-security-policy.yaml
passed,Minimize the admission of root containers (PSP),Medium,/pods/pod-security-policy.yaml
passed,Minimize the admission of containers with the NET_RAW capability (PSP),Medium,/pods/pod-security-policy.yaml
passed,Minimize the admission of containers wishing to share the host IPC namespace (PSP),Medium,/pods/pod-security-policy.yaml
passed,Minimize the admission of containers wishing to share the host network namespace (PSP),Medium,/pods/pod-security-policy.yaml
passed,Minimize the admission of containers wishing to share the host process ID namespace (PSP),Medium,/pods/pod-security-policy.yaml
passed,Minimize the admission of containers with allowPrivilegeEscalation (PSP),Medium,/pods/pod-security-policy.yaml
passed, Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary (RBAC),Medium,/test-multi-yaml/multiple-yamls/multiple-helm-response_multiple_yaml_0.yaml