Azure Structure

Azure Structure is the connector configuration file has information about how to connect to that provider and the credential.

    "filetype": "structure",
    "type": "azure",
    "companyName": "<company-name>",
    "accounts": [
            "department": "<unit/department-name>",
            "subscription": [
                    "subscription_name": "<subscription(account)-name>",
                    "subscription_description": "<subscription(account)-description>",
                    "subscription_id": "<subscription(account)-id>",
                    "users": [
                            "name": "<username>"

Key Value Example
subscription_name Azure account(subscription) name prancer-test
subscription_description Azure account(subscription) description
subscription_id Azure account(subscription) id

Basic Structure of a mastersnapshot

  "fileType": "masterSnapshot",
  "snapshots": [
      "type": "azure",
      "testUser": "<username>",
      "subscriptionId": "<subscription-id>",
      "source": "<Azure-connector-file-name>",
      "nodes": [
          "type": "<Azure-api-from-azureApiVersions>",
          "collection": "<Collection-name>",
          "version": "<Azure-api-version-from->"
  "type": "azure",
Key Value Example
source Azure connector file name azureConnector
masterSnapshotId ID of the snapshot to be used in test files AZRSNP_274
type API type from azureApiVersions.json(Supported API types are in azureApiVersions.json) "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
collection It represents the name of the collection in mongo db. Microsoft.Compute
version API version from azureApiVersions.json(Supported API versions are in azureApiVersions.json) 2021-07-01

Sample Mastersnapshot

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "fileType": "masterSnapshot",
    "snapshots": [
            "type": "azure",
            "subscriptionId": "7a19-4458-f038bb7760c1",
            "testUser": "prancer_ro",
            "source": "azureConnector",
            "nodes": [
                    "masterSnapshotId": "AZRSNP_274",
                    "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
                    "collection": "Microsoft.Compute",
                    "version": "2021-07-01",


To check the supported type, please check the file azureApiVersions.json in our prancer-hello-world repository.

Basic mastertest Structure

  "fileType": "mastertest",
  "masterSnapshot": "<master-snapshot-name>",
  "notification": [],
  "testSet": [
      "masterTestName": "<master-test-name>",
      "version": "0.1",
      "cases": [
          "masterTestId": "<master-test-id>",
          "rule": "<rule>"
Key Value Example
cases All the test cases are written under this section The json enclosed in cases block (Refer below)
masterTestId The id of the master test case PR-AZR-CLD-KV-001
rule Programmatic representation of the rule we want to test {PR_AZR_CLD_KV_001}.input.resources[_].properties.enableSoftDelete != true

Sample Test

  "fileType": "mastertest",
  "masterSnapshot": "mastersnapshot_azure_cloud",
  "notification": [],
  "testSet": [
      "masterTestName": "AZURE_Cloud_TEST",
      "version": "0.1",
      "cases": [
          "masterTestId": "PR-AZR-CLD-KV-001",
          "rule": "{PR_AZR_CLD_KV_001}.input.resources[_].properties.enableSoftDelete != true",

Steps to run azure crawler

  • populate_json lq --file ./realm/azureStructure.json --type structure: Stores gcp srtucture in mongodb collection named structures
  • populate_json crawlertest --dir ./realm/validation/azurecrawler: loads entire directory in mongodb
  • prancer --crawler crawlertest --db FULL: Generates snapshots from mastersnapshot
  • prancer crawlertest --db FULL: Fetches snapshots and runs tests from mastertests on them.

Support for using multiple services in a single rego test case

Here's the testcase format:

    "masterTestId": "PR-AZR-CLD-KV-001",
    "type": "rego",
    "rule": "file(iam.rego)",
    "masterSnapshotId": ["AZRSNP_228"],
    "eval": "data.rule.rulepass"

Here's the rego rule:

package rule
default rulepass = false
rulepass = true{
    {PR_AZR_CLD_KV_001}.input.resources[_].properties.enableSoftDelete != true}

To include multiple services in a single test case, we need to provide the mastersnapshot Ids of all the services in masterSnapshotId in testcase and then access the response using mastersnapshot ids in rego file.