The AWS (Amazon Web Services) connector allows you to inspect your AWS infrastructure using their API. The connector is a wrapper around the AWS ReST API and command-line tool. It leverages inspection of the infrastructure using various AWS verbs like describe-xyz, get-xyz, list-xyz ... operations available for each service provider.

IAM user configuration

To connect using the AWS connector, you must create a user in IAM and configure its policies properly. The IAM user requires read policies on all services that you wish to inspect. For example, to inspect the EC2 infrastructure, give the AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess policy.

Here are steps to creating such a user if you don't have one yet:

  1. Visit the IAM console
  2. Click on the Users section on the left menu
  3. Click on Add user
  4. Name the user anything you want, we suggest prancer_ro
  5. Only enable Programmatic access
  6. Click Next: Permissions
  7. Click Attach existing policies directly
  8. Search for the AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess policy and check it
  9. Click Next: Tags
  10. Click Next: Review
  11. Click Create user
  12. Take note of the Access key ID
  13. Take note of the Secret access key
  14. Click Close

Connector configuration file

To configure the AWS connector, copy the following code to a file named awsConnector.json in your Prancer project folder.

Notes: Naming conventions

This file can be named anything you want but we suggest awsConnector.json

        "organization": "Organization name",
        "type": "aws",
        "fileType": "structure",
        "name": "Unit/Department name",
        "accounts": [
                "account-name": "Account name",
                "account-description": "Description of account",
                "account-id": "<account-id>",
                "users": [
                        "name": "<iam-user>",
                        "access-key": "<iam-access-key>",
                        "secret-access": "<secret-access-key>",

Remember to substitute all values in this file that looks like a <tag> such as:

Tag Value Description Suggestion
account-id Your AWS account id, find this in the AWS console account menu drop-down. AWS docs
iam-user Name of the IAM user we recommend prancer_ro
iam-access-key The programmatic access key associated to that user
secret-access-key The programmatic secret associated to the access key
region default region where service instance is to be searched.(Optional) us-west-1
client default AWS service name. (Optional) EC2, S3 etc

If you do not have access to an access key or to the secret you will have to create a new access key and decommission the old one.


You do not need an AWS organization to use the AWS connector, but you must fill in the data as presented.

If you do not have an AWS organization, enter values that would correspond if you had one. The organizational units section is strictly for organizing your configuration.

You can define as many organizations as you want in a connector file.

Accounts and users

The accounts portion specifies which account you want to inspect. You can configure as many accounts and users as you wish per file.

If you want to link multiple accounts together in your tests or want different users to be used to inspect your configuration, you must specify all of them here. Later, in snapshot configuration files, you will determine which user to use to inspect the infrastructure, but it must be defined beforehand.

Secret Access

There are three options available to store the secret access for an IAM account:

  • In the AWS connector file
  • In the Environment variable
  • In a vault

Keeping the secret access in the connector file is suitable only for testing purposes.

You can keep the secret access as an environment variable. The name of the environment variable will be the name of the IAM account. For example, if the name of the IAM account is prancer_iam and the secret is a1b2c3 :

    export prancer_iam=a1b2c3

Keeping the secret access in the vault is the most secure and recommended way of keeping the secret in the prancer framework. To learn more, visit secrets section.