AWS Structure

AWS Structure is the connector configuration file has information about how to connect to that provider and the credential.

    "organization":"<Company Name>",
            "name":"<Organization Unit Name>",
                    "account-name":"<Account Name>",
                    "account-description":"AWS cloud details",
                    "account-id":"<Account ID>",
                    "account-user":"<user email>",
                            "name":"<IAM User Name>",
                            "access-key":"<AWS Access Key>",
                            "secret-access":"<AWS Secret Key>",
                            "region":"<region name>",
                            "client":"<client name>"
Key Value Example
region Region where service instance is to be searched(Optional) us-west-1
client AWS service name(Optional) EC2, S3 etc

Basic Structure of a mastersnapshot

            "source":"<name of connector file>",
            "testUser":"<IAM user name>",
                "<your project id>"
                    "masterSnapshotId":"<mastersnapshot id>",
                    "arn":"<your arn>",
                    "collection":"<name of collection in mongo db>",
                    "listMethod":"<list method of service>",
                        "<detail method of service>",
                        "<detail method of service>"
Key Value Example
masterSnapshotId Name of the snapshot to be used in test files AWS_EC2_01
arn It uniquely identify AWS resources. It consists of service name(ec2), region(us-west-2), account id, region id. arn:aws:ec2:us-west-1::,
collection It represents the name of the collection in mongo db. ec2
listMethod This includes a list method that can be called on boto client of particular service and returns various ids and other data in reponse. For example, describe_instances returns image_id in response along with other data. describe_instances
detailMethods Every detail method uses response of list method(id or some other data) and gives detailed information for that particular service. Here describe_images used image_id from list method response and returns detailed image response. "describe_instances", "describe_images", "describe_volumes"

Sample Mastersnapshot

            "testUser":"<IAM user name>",
                "<your project id>"
 "type": "aws"


If we have two mastersnapshots with same ARN, and detailMethods, then snapshots for these mastersnapshots will be common with the list of mastersnapshot ids

Basic mastertest Structure

 "$schema": "",
 "contentVersion": "",
 "fileType": "mastertest",
 "notification": [],
 "masterSnapshot": "awssnapshot",
 "testSet": [
   "masterTestName": "<master-test-name>",
   "version": "0.1",
   "cases": [
     "masterTestId": "<test id>",
     "rule": "<rule >"
Key Value Example
cases All the test cases are written under this section The json enclosed in cases block (Refer below)
masterTestId The id of the master test case AWS_EC2_02
rule Programmatic representation of the rule we want to test {AWS_EC2_01}.Reservations[0].Instances[0].SecurityGroups[0].GroupName='launch-wizard-1'

Sample Test



Steps to run aws crawler

  • populate_json lq --file ./realm/awsStructure.json --type structure: Stores aws srtucture in mongodb collection named structures
  • populate_json crawlertest --dir ./realm/validation/awscrawler: loads entire directory in mongodb
  • prancer --crawler crawlertest --db FULL: Generates snapshots from mastersnapshot
  • prancer crawlertest --db FULL: Fetches snapshots and runs tests from mastertests on them.

Support for using multiple services in a single rego test case

Here's the testcase format:

      "masterTestId": "AWS_EFS_01_KMS_01_TEST_1",
      "type": "rego",
      "rule": "file(input_efs_kms_1.rego)",
      "masterSnapshotId": ["AWS_EFS_01", "AWS_KMS_01"],
      "eval": "data.rule.rulepass"

Here's the rego rule:

package rule
default rulepass = false
rulepass = true{
    contains(input[AWS_EFS_01].FileSystems[_].KmsKeyId, input[AWS_KMS_01].KeyMetadata.KeyId)

To include multiple services in a single test case, we need to provide the mastersnapshot Ids of all the services in masterSnapshotId in testcase and then access the response using mastersnapshot ids in rego file.