Prancer Security Platform Docs

Welcome to the Prancer cloud security platform documentation!

Prancer is an end-to-end cloud security platform that promotes Shift Left strategies. Prancer provides tools for the pre-deployment and post-deployment multi-cloud validation at scale for your Infrastructure as Code (IaC) security and continuous compliance requirements in the cloud. Also, It provides Penetration as Code (PAC) Framework.

Note: PAC is not covered in this documentation.

For the IaC Static Code Analysis (SCA) part, Prancer integrates with your DevOps pipeline to ensure that secure and quality code will reach the cloud. It prevents any security misconfiguration from being applied to the cloud via the IaC pipeline security validation gates. In case of finding any problem, Prancer can file a PR on behalf of the user to remediate the issue in the code.

Moreover, Prancer validates your cloud resources based on available compliance frameworks and custom policy files. It scans the cloud environment continuously to find security misconfigurations. It alerts and reports on problems and provides an easy way to auto remediate them.

Editions of Prancer Platform

Prancer Cloud Security Platform comes in 3 different editions:

  • Basic edition is the community edition of the platform. It is an open-source version of the framework available on GitHub. This feature-rich tool allows you to run the platform in its fundamental features via command-line interface(CLI).

  • Enterprise edition comes with many enhancements available for enterprise companies. It is a virtual appliance running inside the company's network. You can use the web interface, enterprise CLI or API calls to access Prancer features.

  • Premium edition is the subscription-based edition software as a service (SaaS) solution of the Prancer platform. It has all the enterprise edition's advanced features and is hosted on the prancer cloud.

This documentation is focused on the Prancer Framework Basic Edition (Open Source). In some places where we need to refer to other platform editions, we specifically mention it in the docs. This will be highlighted in the text:

If we target the Enterprise Edition

Target Platform : ** Enterprise Edition **

If we target the Premium Edition

Target Platform : ** Premium Edition **

Overview of documentation

The first few pages of the documentation are for the general workflow, installation, and terminology. After that, each section will focus on specific aspects of the platform and various configuration options available for you.