In a master test file, we are defining the test cases against the resource types rather than individual resources. it works in tandem with the master snapshot configuration file.

    "fileType": "mastertest",
    "notification": [<notifications>],
    "masterSnapshot": "<master-Snapshot-name>",
    "testSet": [
            "masterTestName": "<master-Test-Name>",
            "version": "<version>",
            "cases": [
                    "masterTestId": "<master-Test-Id>",

Remember to substitute all values in this file that looks like a <tag> such as:

Tag Value Description
notifications the name of the notification file we want to use along with this test file
master-Snapshot-name the name of the master snapshot configuration file we want to use along with this test file
master-Test-Name the name of the master test name for this section
version The version of the rule engine. Current version is 0.1
master-Test-Id the id of the master test case
rule the rule we want to examine

Here is an example of that:

    "fileType": "mastertest",
    "notification": [],
    "masterSnapshot": "snapshot3",
    "testSet": [
            "masterTestName": "test3",
            "version": "0.1",
            "cases": [
                    "masterTestId": "1",
                    "masterTestId": "2",
                    "masterTestId": "3",
                    "rule": "exist({14}.properties.addressSpace.addressPrefixes[])"
                    "masterTestId": "4",
                    "rule": "count({15}.properties.dhcpOptions.dnsServers[])=2"
                    "masterTestId": "5",
                    "rule": "{16}.properties.subnets['name'='abc-nprod-dev-eastus2-Subnet1'].properties.addressPrefix=''"
                    "masterTestId": "6",
                    "rule": "{17}.tags.COST_LOCATION={18}.tags.COST_LOCATION"